What could be?
How could our institutional systems for families be re-imagined?
How could we make things better for our families?
How could our ways of thinking about family be pushed to expose new possibilities for increasing their well-being, and the well-being of the individuals who make up our families?
In our Speculative Design Lab (SDL) we look to answer those questions through focusing on the possibilities and potentials available for our families. Using design as a medium to stimulate discussion and debate amongst designers, governments, the courts, and the public we work to confront an ambiguous and uncertain future as we seek to give it form and substance.
Bringing together a creative mix of art, science, and emerging technologies to explore the social, cultural and ethical implications of dynamic and ongoing changes to the nature of the American family in the 21st century we are pushing the bounds of ‘what could be’ in order to invent the unexpected and give shape to the unanticipated.
Current Projects
Photo by ryan lange on Unsplash
"They walk among us"
Aliens are here. Extraterrestrial aliens.
Some have been here for millennia. Some have just been arrived.
Recent global shifts have highlighted the precarious position of these aliens here on Earth. Due to popular pressure, some governments are beginning to question their immigration status as aliens. Alien groups – and their supporters – are beginning to mobilize to support their rights. Other groups, worried about immigration, are beginning to question their right to live here on Earth...among us.
The aim of this project is to explore the way in which people engage with the issue of migration, immigration, and cultural change through the use of an interactive ‘near future’ scenario in order to enable collective discussion about how things could be.